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Close Relations (Original title)
Date: 04 February 1990 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Adrian Shergold

Synopsis: Trevor Orwin's life changes dramatically when he meets Jenny, the sister he never knew he had, at the funeral of his brother, and the relationship that develops between them has a dramatic and violent effect.

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 04 February 1990Broadcast channel: BBC2Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 22:15-23:30Slot duration: 75 minsNetwork - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (8)
Production Company: BBC, Producer: Ruth Caleb, Script: Stanley Price, Photography: John Daly, Film Editor: Roy Sharman, Designer: Graeme Thomson, Music: Gordon Giltrap
Cast (11)
James Hazeldine (Trevor), Clare Holman (Jenny), Rosalind March (Liz), Annie Gurney (Emily), Eric Heath (Danny), June Barrie (Freida), Glynis Brooks (Enid), Michael Egan (vicar), Robert Morgan (Gerry), Richard Cubison (doctor), Andrew Wilde (Det Insp. Ferguson)